
Why Uno

tldr; This is not about the 'grokking your domain' part of DDD. Here, the domain is already clear and defined by precise rules. I don't want to bloat the journey with questioning what the business is. Study EventStorming for that.


Choosing a sample domain

Choosing a sample domain is not a simple thing. I've made several attempts to select one in the past and failed miserably.

The case of the fake simplistic domain

It's hardly a domain at all, but it's easy to implement. It seems good at first to teach newcomers, but they rapidly spot that it's a toy domain that won't match their domain complexity. Experts will also point all the places where your model is weak in explaining important concepts.


The case of the real business domain

Here, the domain is a real world example, like finance, shipping, the hotel business and so on. People agree that it's interesting because it goes into real problems.

But then they start to argue about the business choices of the model. What happens when there is no product left to ship ? How do you deal with an overbooking ?

These are legitimate questions that need to be asked when building a Business Plan, and there starts the drift from the actual goal here: How to design and implement Functional Event Sourcing.

There are loads of people (including me) talking about this subject. Obviously Eric Evans' Domain Driven Design book (especially the parts about Ubiquitous Language and knowledge crunching), but also the more recent technique of EventStorming created by Alberto Brandolini and other DDD practitioners.

So what instead?

Choosing a game has a real advantage here: The rules already exist; No need to elicit them from the mind of Domain Experts, they're right there in the leaflet.

Is it a toy domain because it's a game ? Not really because when rules are rich enough to create interesting cases, it will match a real domain in a lot of aspects.

I chose Uno because:

  • Most people already know the rules
  • Concurrency is a concern due to interruptions
  • It contains several Aggregates
  • It's sufficiently complex (with the proposed variant) to be interesting
  • Yet its not too complex to be boring

There still will be a lot of design decisions along the way, because even if the rules are already written, we still have to choose how to represent them in the system.

And I'll write about these design decisions in this log...

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